domenica 4 novembre 2007

Trick or Treat?....Yes! To our wallet!

I remember that, when I was a child, seeing in American films children celebrating Halloween disguised as ghosts, pumpkins and the most horrible creatures, I wondered if that "festivity" really existed. As a matter of fact, I heard speaking of Halloween only in TV and the 31th of October was a day like another to me, excepting for the fact that I could stay awake longer because the following day was holiday. Last week I asked my 8 years old cousin if she knew because the 1st of November was holiday and she answered:"Clear, to celebrate Halloween!". I was astonished hearing so. I simply think that Halloween has nothing to do with our culture and it's only a good occasion to make people spend their money. I read that for last Halloween peolpe in Italy spent 190 millions in disguising and 140 in parties... It is absurd!!!

5 commenti:

Marta ha detto...

Wow, I thought I was the only one who does nor really like Halloween, but I'm realising there are other people who share my idea! Uff, I feel relieved..!!

tortina84 ha detto...

Thank God!I'm not the only one who doesn't celebrate Halloween!Like Marta, I feel relieved now.
By the way...We found the same article from in internet and -like you- I was astonished in reading how much Italian people spend to celebrate this ANGLO-SAXON holiday!


Giovanna ha detto...

Hi Sara! I read your post about Halloween and I completely agree with you. It is only an excuse to empty people's wallets. However, I think that it will be difficult to forsake this celebration, above all among the young.

Anonimo ha detto...

Opulently I to but I contemplate the list inform should secure more info then it has.

Anonimo ha detto...

Well I to but I about the post should prepare more info then it has.